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A UX research exploration utilising a variety of UX research methods to form a clear understanding of what customer behaviours, goals and needs are for a mobile app.

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The Challenge

Is there a need for a mobile app? Will customers actually use a mobile app and if so, how often they would use it?

The Actions

Preparing for the project

Please note: Although there are limited images or data shown due to confidentiality, my design process, the way I think and how I work is seen throughout the project.

In preparation for this project, I worked closely with our UX lead. Together, we crafted a research plan that outlined our goals and methodologies. We then worked on recruiting and preparing for customer interviews, ensuring we had the right participants and a clear interview guide. This involved consulting with the CX team to find the most appropriate users to interview. We also developed a lean UX canvas – a concise visual tool that would help communicate our findings and insights.

  • Preparing the research plan
  • Recruiting and preparing for customer interviews
  • Preparing a lean UX canvas for stakeholder workshops
  • Collaborating with various teams


The project's discovery stage began with a deep dive into competitor analysis, allowing us to understand the current landscape. To gather user insights, we then facilitated online interviews with users and conducted stakeholder workshops. Finally, post-workshop surveys provided crucial feedback to refine our process for future success.

  • Conducting competitor analysis
  • Facilitating user interviews online
  • Facilitating stakeholder workshops
  • Managing stakeholders throughout the project
  • Providing post workshop surveys to help improve them

Lean UX Canvas showing sticky notes captured from workshops with stakeholders
Lean UX Canvas capturing stakeholder notes and insights


I focused on synthesising the data gathered during the discovery phase. This involved analysing interviews and observation notes, and identifying patterns. By clustering these insights, I was able to define the core problem space. Interestingly, a trend emerged where users consistently mentioned three main features they desperately needed. Secure Log in, Transactions and Insurance. This guided us to prioritise the design efforts and focus on crafting a simple solution that addressed these critical user needs.

  • Analyse research findings
  • Synthesise information by creating affinity maps to help understand the data and find common groups of information
  • Creating affinity maps to
  • Identify opportunities

Survey analysis on Miro using affinity mapping to group themes
Survey analysis on Miro using affinity mapping to group themes


I created low-fidelity prototypes in Adobe XD based on sketched wireframes that were workshopped with stakeholders. These prototypes were then used to facilitate user testing sessions with 15 participants. This iterative process ensured the design aligned with stakeholder needs while prioritising a user-centred approach.

  • Sketching wireframes to workshop with stakeholders
  • Designing low-fidelity prototypes in Adobe XD to test with users
  • Facilitated user testing with 15 customers

Prototype images of the apps home and transactions screen
Prototype images of the apps home and transactions screen
User testing the app design with customers
User testing the app design with customers

Delivery, Report & Presentation

I compiled a comprehensive report outlining the key findings and insights learned from the research. This report was then presented to key stakeholders, ensuring all decision-makers were aware of the project's valuable takeaways.

  • Prepared a report on the findings and insights
  • Presented to key stakeholders

Learning and challenges

Working closely with various teams, especially the CX and Marketing teams, helped us focus on the most critical aspects of our research. Through collaboration, we developed our recruitment strategy to ensure we interviewed the right users. This cross-functional approach also helped us create a well thought out interview guide. This focus on user selection and question design is an essential yet often overlooked step in the UX process, and its importance was solidified through our collaborative preparation.

Providing post-workshop surveys was an excellent idea that gave us important information on how to improve our process. Key stakeholders are very busy and attending multiple workshops can often lead to workshop fatigue which they indicated was the case due to multiple projects on the go across the organisation. With this information we were able to change the structure and timing of the workshops giving back crucial time to those stakeholders.

While testing low-fidelity prototypes with users, there were technical and connection problems for some participants, causing us to book follow-up sessions and delaying the process. On the back of this experience we developed a guide for users and emailed them before the session so they could get familiar with how the session was going to be run and what they could do to fix issues if they came up.

I would like to mention the importance of sketching wireframes with key stakeholders. This process helped us to refine the design before interviewing users ultimately improving the experience.

I underestimated the amount of time required for thorough data synthesis. What felt like a quick analysis turned into a long process of combing through interviews and user observations. The upside, however, was worth it. By dedicating this extra time, we were able to uncover a clear path forward, with a deep understanding of the core user needs. This translates to a more targeted design and ultimately saves time in the long run.  In future projects, I'll definitely factor in more time for synthesis to ensure we stay on schedule.

Presenting to key stakeholders proved to be a valuable learning experience. With the help of my UX lead, we condensed complex information into clear, concise takeaways relevant to their specific interests. The experience highlighted the importance of anticipating questions and ensuring the presentation effectively addressed their priorities.

The Result

Although users indicated that an app would be beneficial, it wasn't clear whether they would actually use it on an ongoing basis. The business were able to make an informed decision to put the development of a mobile app on hold while more research was undertaken to fully understand the need for a mobile app.

Another kleindesiged. experience

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Check out some more of my latest projects for a glimpse into my ongoing pursuit of exceptional user experiences.

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Mobile app

Form a clear understanding of what user needs and behaviours are for a mobile app to provide input into the scope of any future mobile app development. This project provided enough insights to help the business decide on whether to progress with the development of an app or hold off until there is a greater need for one.


  • Research & Analysis
  • Wireframes
  • Prototypes
  • Usability Testing
  • User Stories
Lean UX canvas with sticky notes indicating what stakeholders needed from the projectWireframe images of the initial design tested with participants with feedback on sticky notes
[user journey map.]

Customer journey

The aim of this project was to provide the business with a visually pleasing journey map to help understand every aspect of their customers journey. This includes all the touch points, emotions and actions from start to finish.


  • Research & Analysis
  • Workshops
  • User Interviews
  • Journey map
  • Report & Presentation
Sticky notes of information captured during workshops with usersThe sign up journey map with swim lanes for touch point, action and emotion