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A comprehensive UX audit using a variety of UX research and analysis methods to evaluate how well users understand the portal and identify pain points they may encounter while navigating the site.

[ ux audit. ]

The Challenge

Understand why users are bouncing from the portal to make phone calls in order to complete tasks.

The Actions

Preparing for the project

Please note: Although there are limited images or data shown due to confidentiality, my design process, the way I think and how I work is seen throughout the project.

In preparation, I conducted desktop research to familiarise myself with the portal including the review of previous research related to user experience. Stakeholder engagement was also crucial so I familiarised myself with those key staff members who could assist. I created Mural boards to capture my notes and insights so I could collaboratively work with team members.

  • Preparing the UX audit plan
  • Preparing mural boards for stakeholder workshops
  • Collaborating with various teams


Desktop research resulted in valuable insights about the platform and the user experience. Previous research indicated that users did have trouble navigating the complex process but didn't delve into the why or the how. Stakeholder workshops and interviews helped me to understand more about the problem and stepped out the user journey so I could visualise what users go through. However, to truly understand how users interact with the product, I took a deeper dive into our users mental models, identifying how users expect it to work and potential areas of cognitive overload.  Finally, we did a usability heuristics assessment of the portal, uncovering opportunities to improve efficiency and overall user satisfaction.

  • Desktop Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Stakeholder engagement

Sticky notes capturing usability issues
Sticky notes capturing usability issues


I analysed the portal against the UX heuristics (originally developed by Jakob Nielsen). This analysis went beyond basic functionality where I looked into user mental models, understanding how users expect the product to work. This helped me to identify areas where the portal creates unnecessary cognitive effort. This focus on cognitive efficiency will help inform the recommendations for a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

  • Analyse research findings
  • Synthesise information by creating affinity maps to help understand the data and find common groups of information
  • Mental Models
  • Cognitive Load
  • Interaction Cost
  • Usability Heuristics
  • Identify opportunities

UX Heuristics evaluation
UX Heuristics evaluation


The design stage revolved around translating the research findings into actionable insights. Mural proved to be an invaluable tool in this process. By laying out our research, user flows, and heuristic analysis findings on the Mural boards, I was able to effectively visualise user journeys and identify key areas for improvement. This collaborative workspace facilitated brainstorming and information sharing, leading to the development of a comprehensive report and presentation. This report, informed by the Mural insights, will not only detail our findings but also present clear and prioritised recommendations for optimising the user experience.

  • Designing Mural boards for workshops
  • Designing Mural boards for research and analysis
  • Designing Mural boards for reporting, presentations and recommendations

Deliver, Report & Presentation

A key aspect was clearly communicating the impact of user-centered design principles. I presented to key stakeholders and reported on the findings and provided recommendations. I  defined terms like mental models, cognitive load, interaction cost, and usability heuristics, explaining how they influence user experience.  By illustrating how these concepts work, stakeholders were able to gain a deeper understanding of how a minor design choices can significantly impact user frustration and efficiency.

  • Prepared a report on the findings and insights
  • Presented to key stakeholders

Report on UX process
Report on UX process

Learnings and challenges

Gaining access to crucial software and CRM systems was time-consuming, causing delays. The plus side to this is I managed to speak to a range of staff members and understood their roles and responsibilities and created relationships.

Navigating the nuances of government processes and stakeholders required extra sensitivity and careful planning. These initial hurdles, however, only highlight the importance of thorough planning and flexibility in the UX audit process.

Navigating the government's strict security protocols presented a significant challenge. Gaining access to internal systems took longer than anticipated highlighting the importance of staff onboarding for future government projects. By dedicating more time to onboarding, we can ensure a smoother discovery phase and a more efficient overall audit process.

My analysis using UX heuristics revealed issues like unclear information architecture, inconsistency in design patterns, and potentially confusing error messages. These findings underscore the importance of clear visual hierarchy and a consistent user flow.  One important but often overlooked UX heuristic, Accessibility had the most issues and became the number one issue to fix. This reiterates the importance to include it at the start of any UX project.

While Mural wasn't my initial choice - I typically favour Miro - it proved to be a valuable tool in this project.  While there was a learning curve initially,  embracing Mural's functionalities allowed me to effectively  collaborate and visualise the research findings.  I've now expanded my UX toolkit and gained proficiency in both platforms, giving me greater flexibility for future projects.

The delivery stage highlighted the importance of preparation. Anticipating stakeholder questions beforehand proved invaluable. By thoroughly familiarising myself with the data and coming up with clear and concise answers, I was able to respond to questions with confidence. This preparedness ensured the presentation ran smoothly rather than a daunting experience.

The Result

The report uncovered over 300 usability issues. The business now have a clear understanding of the effort it takes to use the portal. With the suggestions provided, the business can make a number of quick fixes to improve the usability while work gets underway to design and develop a better solution. The key areas to focus on were Accessibility, Consistency & Standards and Aesthetic & Minimalist Design.

Another kleindesiged. experience

[More Recent work.]

Check out some more of my latest projects for a glimpse into my ongoing pursuit of exceptional user experiences.

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Website page redesign

The website page redesign project aims to enhance the user experience, increase engagement, and drive conversions. By using various UX methods of research, design and testing, the project will deliver a modern and aesthetically pleasing design that aligns with the brand's values and meets users' needs and preferences. The project's success will be evaluated through the usability tests conducted on the redesigned website page.


  • Wireframes
  • Prototypes
  • Information Architecture
  • Report & Presentation
Forms and documents page showing new layout with filters
[ux audit.]

Business Portal

The aim of this project was to evaluate how well users understand the portal and to identify pain points they may encounter while navigating. The report uncovered over 300 usability issues by looking at mental models, interaction cost, cognitive load and usability heuristics.


  • Research & Analysis
  • Mental Models
  • Cognitive Load
  • Usability Heuristics
  • Report & Presentation
Image showing sticky notes captured during research and workshopsList of usability heuristics on sticky notes