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User journey mapping - A path to enhancing the user experience by mapping out the entire journey, from initial touchpoint to final interaction using various methods to gain a holistic understanding.

[ user journey map. ]

The Challenge

How can we align our teams to focus and prioritise efforts on improving the customer experience? How can we identify pain points and opportunities?

The Actions

Preparing for the project

Please note: Although there are limited images or data shown due to confidentiality, my design process, the way I think and how I work is seen throughout the project.

Before diving into the customer journey map project, I understood project goals and the target audience through stakeholder interviews. I reviewed existing customer data and research to understand more about the journey. This prep work ensured the customer journey would be insightful and targeted.

  • Miro board set ups for stakeholder engagement and workshops
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Desktop Research


The discovery stage of the customer journey map project was all about putting myself in the customer's shoes but first I started with stakeholder interviews to understand what customer pain points they were most interested in addressing. I also connected with customer service and sales representatives, who provided invaluable insights from daily interactions. I signed up for the service myself,  documenting every touchpoint and emotional response. This hands-on approach allowed me to empathise with users and identify areas for improvement.  

  • Stakeholder interviews and workshops
  • User research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Desktop research, including any previous research completed by the CX team

Questions and Answers captured on sticky notes during interviews with users
Questions and Answers captured on sticky notes during interviews with users


The define stage was about transforming the information gathered during discovery into actionable insights. Stakeholder interviews, user research, and even my own customer experience all contributed to interesting insights. We conducted workshops using Miro where we synthesised the insights, pinpointing themes and user pain points. Through facilitated workshops and voting exercises, we were able to prioritise the most critical issues to address within the customer journey map.

  • Analyse research findings
  • Synthesise information by creating affinity maps to help understand the data and find common groups of information
  • Creating affinity maps
  • Identify opportunities
  • Prioritising pain points

Workshop sticky notes to capture stakeholder feedback
Workshop sticky notes to capture stakeholder feedback


The design stage was all about translating insights into an easy to understand journey map. We used Miro to design and build the map itself. The beauty of this stage was the involvement of multi-disciplinary teams – Marketing, Customer Experience (CX), Product, and IT all contributed their expertise. Through workshops and discussions on Miro, we were able to refine the map, ensuring it reflected the user journey and addressed pain points from all angles.

  • Design Iteration
  • Style Guide Creation specifically for journey maps
  • Collaboration

Join Journey Map
Join Journey Map

Report & Presentation

The delivery stage was about bringing the customer journey map to life and sharing its valuable insights. I created a comprehensive report outlining the user journey phases, touch points, emotions, and pain points.  Additionally, I designed a clear and engaging presentation. This involved presenting the journey map to  multiple stakeholder groups and teams, as well as delivering a presentation at an organisation-wide forum. The goal was to ensure everyone from leadership to frontline staff understood the customer experience and the areas for improvement identified by the journey map.

  • Prepared a report on the findings and insights
  • Presented to key stakeholders

Findings from the join journey research
Findings from the join journey research

Learnings & Challenges

While this stage provided valuable insights, scheduling interviews with key stakeholders was a juggling act. Their busy schedules meant rescheduling and ongoing calendar work. However, the insights gained were worth the effort. Through user research and internal discussions, I uncovered a surprising disconnect between what customers expected and the actual experience. This gave me the starting blocks I needed to start the define stage.

The define stage highlighted the power of collaboration. Working collaboratively with key stakeholders wasn't just about gathering their insights, but about getting their diverse perspectives. Their understanding of the business goals and technical feasibility proved crucial when prioritising pain points.

Collaboration with Marketing, CX, Product, and IT ensured the customer journey map considered all aspects of the user experience. While group workshops were good, individual sessions proved to be even more insightful. Maybe participants felt more comfortable talking on specific details in a 1-on-1 setting. Something I will ensure I think of for future projects.

The Result

By working collaboratively with both internal and external stakeholders, the various business units were able to visualise what the customer goes through while interacting with the service and products. The customer journey maps are now available for all teams to view in print and online. It's helped teams to gain empathy for their customers needs, motivations and frustrations. It's helped prioritise areas of improvement together rather than doing things independently and possibly doubling up on the work.

Another kleindesiged. experience

[More Recent work.]

Check out some more of my latest projects for a glimpse into my ongoing pursuit of exceptional user experiences.

[user journey map.]

Customer journey

The aim of this project was to provide the business with a visually pleasing journey map to help understand every aspect of their customers journey. This includes all the touch points, emotions and actions from start to finish.


  • Research & Analysis
  • Workshops
  • User Interviews
  • Journey map
  • Report & Presentation
Sticky notes of information captured during workshops with usersThe sign up journey map with swim lanes for touch point, action and emotion
[information architecture.]

Website content design

The aim of this project is to deliver updated content and a revised information architecture to enhance the user experience. By following a UX design process, we can ensure that the updated pages are effective in achieving project goals and providing a positive user experience.


  • Research & Analysis
  • Content Audit
  • Site Map
  • Wireframes
  • Prototypes
Image showing a tree like structure of how the content will be laid out for the website pageImage showing the prototype designs for 3 pages